1. The Birthstone Edit: July, the Ruby

    The Birthstone Edit: July, the Ruby

    First off, it would be rude to start out a birthstone edit without cheering a big ‘ole ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!’ to those of you celebrating in July. And secondly, 2017 may...
  2. What do dads really want for Father’s Day? 5 dads give their perfect present ideas

    What do dads really want for Father’s Day? 5 dads give their perfect present ideas

    It only comes once a year, but Father’s Day is a staple celebration for men across the country. For the dads in question it’s a day that’s all...
  3. Vintage Jewellery Hunting!

    Vintage Jewellery Hunting!

    Picture the scene: you’ve fallen in love with a piece of second-hand jewellery and have taken the plunge and handed over your hard-earned money. The stones seem to...

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